Don’t Get Scammed By The Click 4 Surveys Scam! Click 4 Surveys review

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Click 4 Surveys Review
Program: Click 4 Surveys
Cost: $34
Recommended: No

Recently one of my visitors asked me about Click 4 Surveys. He was wondering if Click 4 Surveys is legit and if you can really make money with the program.

I actually heard of the program a bunch of times before, so when I got the request to do a review on it I was curious.

What about Click 4 Surveys is so popular? Could it be any different than other survey sites I reviewed?

I’ve done a bunch of survey program reviews in the past so I figured I would take a look into this one and see what I could uncover.

What is Click 4 Surveys?

Click 4 Surveys is a program that claims you can make $500-$3500 per month taking surveys through their system. They claim that through their program they will connect you with thousands of companies that will pay you money for your opinions.

What I found

Upon arriving at the Click 4 Surveys homepage I noticed something that looked familiar. I recognized one of the people in the testimonial video from a past making money program that I reviewed:

screen capture of a click 4 surveys hired fiverr actor

screen capture of a fiverr actor

His name is ‘George’ and you can hire him for $5 on to perform a video testimonial for you.

Paying actors to give false testimonials is not a new concept. I notice its one of the things that most scam programs have in common. Why pay an actor to give a positive testimonial? If the program works, there should be plenty of positive testimonials out there to use.

Inside The Members Area

So first impressions are not very good, but for the sake of posterity I continue on through the sign up process.

Membership to Click 4 Surveys is $34 after you use the ‘coupon code’. The coupon code is always active. They put an expiration date next to the code (which just so happened to be that day ?) so that people will be more inclined to act on impulse and sign up right away.

I did my research on the program and discovered that it is a Clickbank Marketplace product. Although this doesn’t indicate whether the program is legit or not, it did tell me that I would’t have any issues getting a refund if I was unsatisfied with the program.

After the sign up and payment process I was directed to a promotional video which claimed I could make tons of money through some other program, blah, blah, blah I barely payed attention. I just wanted to see what is Click 4 Surveys about.

After the video, which sounded like a scam btw. I was given a list of survey programs. Since I am in the United States I sorted the surveys by my location.

click 4 surveys members area screen captureclick 4 surveys members area surveyclick4surveys member area screen captureclick 4 surveys member area screen captureclick 4 surveys member area screen capture


I clicked on one of the available surveys and was directed to another website, where I was asked to create a free account:

screen shot of survey site

That seemed kind of strange to me, but I played along.

After setting up my free account with Global Test Market I was shown a list of surveys that I could take. I noticed the surveys didn’t say how much they paid in cash, but how much they payed in ‘MarketPoints’. ?

screen capture of marketpoints

Since I was there to make real money I headed back over to Click 4 Surveys and tried another survey. Guess what? That one led right back over to Global Test Market too.

This actually happened a few more times.

Not sure if I was doing something wrong, but if you have any experience with Click 4 Surveys, comment in the section below if this is normal?

Eventually I found my way to a different free survey website:


panda research homepage screen capture

I found this quite amusing because I did a Panda Research Review before and I found it to be extremely difficult to nearly impossible to make any money with the program.

At this point my initial suspicions were confirmed.

Is Click 4 Surveys A Scam?

I would absolutely classify Click 4 Surveys as a scam. They are taking $34 membership payments and connecting people with survey programs that are completely free to join. Not to mention, in my experience, the survey websites that they connect you with completely suck!

As always Clickbank was prompt with my refund. If you decide to give Click 4 Surveys a try, rest assured you shouldn’t have any issues getting your money back as long as you are within the 90 day return window.

My Opinion

No matter what these survey websites claim, your not going to make a full time income taking surveys. Legit survey websites usually pay less than $1 per survey and the surveys can be very time consuming. I know, I’ve done it.

If your looking for a legit way of making money online, check out my #1 Recommended program. Don’t worry, its FREE.




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