Daily Income Method Scam Review – All Flash and No Substance

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Daily Income Method review
Program: Daily Income Method
Creator: Mack Zidan (Mack Mills)
Cost: $39/one time + $19.95 recurring monthly

Daily Income Method is a program from a guy named Mack Zidan AKA Mack Mills ($Millions) Kind of cheesy, but hey ??‍♂️.

If you watched the video you’ll have noticed that he is not afraid to flaunt his wealth that he claims to have made with his Daily Income Method system.

If you haven’t seen the video yet, here is a shortened version that you can get the gist from:

What is Daily Income Method?

Daily Income Method is a membership program that provides pre-made email capture pages that allow you to promote a product to whoever gives you their email address.

What does that mean?

Basically it means that your job is to get people to visit a webpage where the goal is for them to enter their email address.

Once you acquire people’s email addresses, Mack’s team will start promoting a product to them through email marketing.

You will earn commission from any of your referrals that sign up for the product.

What is the product?

The product that you will be promoting is actually a Motor Club of America (MCA) membership. MCA is a emergency roadside assistance program. Similar to AAA.

Why Motor Club of America?

You might be thinking, why are we promoting MCA? Thats random.

Well it is kind of random, but you have to understand that MCA offers an affiliate program to members. This means that they pay members commission for getting new members to sign up.

Check out the earnings that MCA offers its affiliates:

daily income method MCA earning page

As you can see, you can make a nice amount of commissions if you are successful with promoting MCA. Not only do you earn commission for every person you get to sign up with MCA, but you earn a bonus for every person that your referrals get to sign up.

Check this out:

daily income method how it works

This is where Daily Income Method starts to make sense.

You see, once you sign up for Daily Income Method, you will be required to create a MCA membership in order to promote it.

That immediately benefits Mack Zidan, because he earns commission for referring you.

Thats when his system takes over.

By helping you promote MCA and potentially getting new members to sign up, he is benefiting by getting a bonus for every person his referrals are referring.

Its actually a clever little set-up he created for himself.

So it benefits Mack, but can it benefit you?

Mack clearly benefits from his system, but the real question is can you make money with Daily Income Method?

If you are able to successfully promote the email capture page and get people to submit their email addresses, then yeah you can make some money with the Daily Income Method.

How to promote the email capture page?

This is where Daily Income Method falls flat in my opinion. The training is lacking.

If you have prior experience with internet marketing, you can be successful promoting the capture page based off of your own knowledge and experience.

If your new to internet marketing, I think you will find that it is not as easy as Mack makes it seem and you will get discouraged.

Is Daily Income Method a scam?

No, its not a scam. But I don’t recommend it to first time internet marketers.

My opinion?

Believe it or not, you can promote Motor Club of America without the Daily Income Method system. In fact you can promote any product or service you want and earn commission off it.

Promoting products or services online like Motor Club of America is called affiliate marketing.

I am a full time affiliate marketer and I make my income working from home.

I suggest you skip Mack Mill’s system and try out my #1 Recommendation instead. Its a FREE program that will teach you how to become a successful internet marketer.

Its the program that showed me how to create my full-time affiliate marketing business.

You don’t need any experience to get started.

In fact, I didn’t know crap about affiliate marketing when I started.

Thanks for taking the time to read my Daily Income Method review. Any questions or comments? Drop me a line ↓

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