Review – Enough Of The Bullshit Fake Reviews review

This is going to be quick, I just wanted to throw this review of out there because I was getting tired of reading the same old crap about the program.

man falling asleep

If you are interested in the User Testing program you may want to think twice before you waste your valuable time with it.

I was curious about the program and was looking for some honest opinions about it, but I kept coming across reviews that sounded identical to the last 5 reviews I read about it. All positive and fake sounding.

Since the reviews all sounded identical, I decided to dig a little deeper and get the opinions of people who ACTUALLY use the program.

For starters:

What is

User Testing is a program that pays people like you to give your opinion of websites.

After you create your User Testing account and verify your email address, you will start getting test offers to complete.

The tests will send you to various companies websites where you will be met with some specific tasks to complete.

Most of the tests require that you be recorded with a webcam and microphone while you complete the tasks. So obviously a camera and mic are required to participate.

The main goal of the companies is to improve visitors user experience when they visit the website.

Thats where you come in.

Most of the tasks ask you to do things like:

  • Navigate to a specified page
  • Add some items from the website to the shopping cart
  • Give your honest opinion on what you thought about the website, and what can be improved

Nothing too complex. Most people won’t have any issues completing the tasks.

The best part is, you will be compensated $10 for every task you correctly complete. Each task takes about 20 minutes.

Now you might be thinking, “that sounds pretty good.”

But wait.

Lets take a look at some reviews from people who actually spent time on

Usertesting reviews

Obviously you don’t want to read endless reviews, so I will try to feature some of the more relevant ones: review

usertesting reviews

usertesting review review

This is just a small sample of the total number of unhappy reviews.

Based on what I researched, some of the biggest complaints are:

  • Not qualifying for any tests
  • Not getting paid for tests that have been completed (wasted time)
  • Not getting any test offers to complete

Heard enough? Scroll to the end of this article to see a program that is my recommended alternative to User Testing.

Even though I came across a slew of bad user reviews, there were some positive reviews peppered into the mix about the program. Most of the positive reviews claim to earn about $30-$40 per month with

Certainly not a full-time income, but thats not really what the program is meant to be.

If you are interested in giving the program a try, here are some of the basics that you will need to get started:

  • A computer with access to the internet (obviously)
  • A webcam and a microphone
  • Minimum age of 18
  • A smart phone or tablet if you plan on taking their mobile tests
  • Be able to download the User Testing software
  • You must speak fluent english

If you want to see what a good test example looks like, check out this video:

Now that you have a good idea what is about, its up to you to decide if the program is worth your time or not.

I personally value my time more then $30-$40 profit a month. And thats if you get paid.

Is a scam? No. I don’t classify it as a scam. Some people do make money with it. Just not that much.

My recommended alternative

Would you like to make a full-time income online?

If you are interested in, that tells me something; you want more money.

I used to spend a lot of time on sites like and survey websites. Thats because I wasn’t making enough money at my full-time job. I quickly realized I was wasting a lot of time, because the fact is they pay ?

In my search for a better way to make money online, I came across Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is a free training program/online community that teaches you how to build a profitable online business.

I didn’t have any real experience with making money online when I got started, but I still managed to make money with the program ?

I continued to work my full-time job while I gradually improved my online business with Wealthy Affiliate. My business eventually became profitable enough so that I was able to quit my full-time job.

I can recommend Wealthy Affiliate because it is something that worked for me. I am still a WA member and have been for a while now.

If you are interested in getting started with a free Wealthy Affiliate membership, click HERE.

If you want to check out my full review of Wealthy Affiliate, you can do that HERE.

Thanks for checking out my review. If you have any questions or comments about the program, please leave them down below ↓




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